Reunion - Cliff - how arrogant

The Shadows, their music, their members and Shadows-related activity by former members of this community

Re: Reunion - Cliff - how arrogant

Postby stratmantd » 02 Jan 2010, 01:33

Old Fart wrote:Can't stick the bloke at any price, He always has been a self centered big head. He seems obsessed about getting a No.1 all the time. Well, sorry mate, you have had your day, Time to move over. :yawn:


Oh dear! yet another sweeping comment slagging off the UK's and probably Europe's biggest (solo) pop star.

OK, Cliff's music might not be to everyone's taste or his Christian preaching (which has been toned down) but the guy has never been a self-centered big-head any more than any other successful musician/singer.

IMHO Paul McCartney hasn't produced anything worth listening to since Band On The Run and his insistance that all the people who go on the road with him are veggies is truly ridiculous but he seems to survive his stupidity whereas Cliff gets it in the neck. When I spoke to my sister about his performance on the X Factor, she said that it was about time he packed it in. I had to agree; his performance was awful but it didn't stop the judges from giving him a standing ovation which was definitely NOT deserved. (Please don't have a go at me Waffles, I am entitled to my opinion.)

If you listen to the chat on the DVD, which was said at every concert, i.e. scripted, you will realise that he was talking a lot of sense; if an artist doesn't get a no. 1 straight away they are deemed failures but their producers were willing to wait until they got the right song/sound and thus they have lasted for 50 years. If Hank and Bruce didn't like what was to be said, I am sure that they would have had the opportunity to alter the script.

Remember, The Shadows made Cliff but Cliff also made The Shadows. Give the guy some credit.

Re: Reunion - Cliff - how arrogant

Postby wstagner » 02 Jan 2010, 03:50

I find it difficult to R gue w/a guy who wares a pink jaquet....for that reason, I bought one maself!
Before the Reunion DVD those of us stateside havent really heard Cliff or the Shadows for that matter.

We enjoy many of the vocals. So much so, our band is learning the instro vershuns of them. We don't sing is why the intros. Found the same thing with 2004 dvd. Good vocals can translate to good instros.

Kudos to Cliff and the Shads. Don't know too many groups performing after 50 years.

Re: Reunion - Cliff - how arrogant

Postby RUSSET » 02 Jan 2010, 09:30

When I first saw Cliff & the Shads on the TV in 1960, I was 14 & was knocked out by them. Being a lad, I was of course more impressed by the Shads than Cliff, who was a bit more of an attraction to the girlies. However, I concede that he did some great rock records in the first three years, & remember R 'N R was was brand new then, & we teenagers had a new music that was just for us. I do recognise that Cliff can seem a little proud of himself these days, or maybe appear that way. But any of you that have played in a live band will know that to be a live performer you have to have a certain amount of ego & belief in yourself ..... it goes with the job ! The shy, retiring types just don't make it. It's a lot about confidence, & if you haven't got that, it can make performing rather a difficult chore. Most vocalists have an ego as big as the London Eye, & use it to project their performance on stage .... some musicians too. Cliff has achieved great things over the last fifty years, & even if he's not your particular 'cup of tea', you gotta concede the boy done well.


Re: Reunion - Cliff - how arrogant

Postby ala1940 » 02 Jan 2010, 10:47

Interesting comments but how many members often use the "my" instead "ours" when talking about possesions etc. My wife has often referred to "my" house,car etc. Its just a term. Maybe some people are looking for "tiny" flaws in others character.Cliff and the Shadows helped shape todays "pop" music and at least sense prevailed when their "50th" arose and past differences were put aside out of respect of the people who put them at the top of the tree. No I did not get to the concerts or get the DVD for Christmas so lets put this all to one side and look forward to the New Year.

Re: Reunion - Cliff - how arrogant

Postby hansaustria » 02 Jan 2010, 11:23

Got my DVD a few days ago - a great reunion concert. I think that Cliff and the Shads were a very compact team for this
tour. Great vocals ( choir ), playing and performance of all together. It bothers me far more that musicians use sheets
on stage ( keyboards ) ! In my semi-pro band it`s absolutely forbidden !


Re: Reunion - Cliff - how arrogant

Postby Bojan » 02 Jan 2010, 12:11

My wife often says "my" children instead of "our" children . . . Before you even think about commenting on this one, I should add that both of "our" children take after me! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Reunion - Cliff - how arrogant

Postby Pedro » 02 Jan 2010, 12:41

Only recently joined but, I am disappointed with the 'Cliff bashing'. Time can be better used by discussing issues re the site title.

Re: Reunion - Cliff - how arrogant

Postby Martin Page » 02 Jan 2010, 13:12

Pedro wrote:Only recently joined but, I am disappointed with the 'Cliff bashing'. Time can be better used by discussing issues re the site title.

Hear hear.

Martin Page

Re: Reunion - Cliff - how arrogant

Postby Alan Prudhoe » 02 Jan 2010, 13:21

Pedro wrote:Time can be better used by discussing issues re the site title.

Why? What is wrong with it?
Alan Prudhoe

Re: Reunion - Cliff - how arrogant

Postby kipper » 02 Jan 2010, 13:52

we are all free to say it as we see it. but i find these remarks about cliff as a bit out of order :o . the boy done good :clap: . i have never heard negitive stuff spoken about him. you may not like his style but arrogant i dont think so. i dont think the shadows friendship would have lasted so long if this was true :roll: . and the british public would have seen though him a long time ago. he has about the most loyal fans going. so out of order with remarks like this :silent: :thumbdown: . thats my opinon and i`m not a die hard fan. peter


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