TC Electronics Flashback Triple Delay EM2 Demos

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TC Electronics Flashback Triple Delay EM2 Demos

Postby roger bayliss » 09 Jan 2024, 17:51

Here's a few demos of the newly acquired Flashback Triple Delay as mentioned in the gear section.

I am playing my Strat into the Delay into a Katana 100 head Mk2 . Some EQ and compression added, no reverb.


Peace Pipe...


Stars Fell on Stockton...

The Savage...
American Pro Series Strat 2017, G&L S500 Natural Ash
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roger bayliss
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Re: TC Electronics Flashback Triple Delay EM2 Demos

Postby Dance with Shadows » 12 Jan 2024, 09:23

Sounds great to me.
Dance with Shadows
Posts: 108
Joined: 17 Sep 2009, 01:04

Re: TC Electronics Flashback Triple Delay EM2 Demos

Postby roger bayliss » 13 Jan 2024, 10:50

Thanks for listening. I think the echo unit is very good overall and out of the off the shelf units available , it's one of the better sounding units. Have had a number of people give positive comments. I will need to try a few more things such as modulation and drive , but overall its capable of doing the echos for Shadows. Another option ! :!:
American Pro Series Strat 2017, G&L S500 Natural Ash
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roger bayliss
Posts: 1784
Joined: 15 Sep 2009, 00:15

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