Fender Roland Ready Stratocaster

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Fender Roland Ready Stratocaster

Postby dave robinson » 08 May 2024, 22:23

Just before we wind up, I reckon I should share with you my experience of my latest acquisition, the Roland ready Fender Stratocaster GC-1 which I have purchased to drive my Roland GR55 Synth pedal. I had fancied one for a while, but was dubious about it, wondering whether or not it would be a good Strat, but I needn't have worried although it has the 'old school' bridge and tremolo system but non the less works flawlessly and sounds great. I can achieve my usual Hank tones without any effort and the guitar feels right, just like my old Strats. I picked it up on eBay @£650 so I don't think I was robbed as they are around £1000 new and this is in 'as new' condition. It's a Mexican built 2012 model in sunburst with a rosewood fingerboard. For me it's aesthetically 'right' compared to the other option of using the outboard GK-3 pickup which looks unsightly and can sometimes be problematic to set up.
All in all a very useful tool that will help me going forward to add synth, string and brass parts to our show, giving me a larger palette of sounds from which to choose. If anyone was considering buying one of these and wondering if they are any good, I can tell you that I am delighted with mine and highly recommend it. :)
Dave Robinson
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dave robinson
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