Hints and tips on getting the sound you want.
Includes anything to do with Fender, Burns and other guitars; playing techniques;
also amps, effects units, recording equipment and any other musical accessories.
by Garystrat » 12 Mar 2024, 10:04
Just to be sure I checked again regarding the Apogee and the USB ones are now Windows compatible, sorry about that!
It still may not be suitable as you only have jack inputs to connect a mic?

- Posts: 428
- Joined: 16 Sep 2009, 17:08
by Shadbarmy1 » 12 Mar 2024, 14:52
I'm a total numpty with this stuff but managed to get something on Audacity (tool me a while!).

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- Joined: 10 Feb 2023, 15:37
- Location: Norfolk
by Stuart » 14 Mar 2024, 20:14
Audacity is a very flexible recording tool and does have many useful facilities. Adding multiple tracks,changing speed only or pitch only amongst these.The compression/ limiting is very flexible once you get the hang if it.Files can be added by simple drag and drop snd completed rrcirdings can be exported in a variety of formats. Expanded waveforms make it easy to do very fine editing too. When playing back large numbers of tracks it is worth googling the synchronisation settings which ensure that a corrective delay on is applied to tracks to keep the synchronisation perfect.All in all its more than adequate and its free!

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- Joined: 02 Feb 2018, 19:15
- Location: Chelmsford,Essex
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