Brian's customised pink kit

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Re: Brian's customised pink kit

Postby drakula63 » 23 Jan 2017, 14:09

eventrygve wrote:The drum kit should be handed over to Hard Rock Cafe!

Very strange you should say that.

I thought exactly the same when I was in there a year ago and saw this rather large cabinet in a corridor downstairs and thought "Brian's pink kit would look great in there!" I can't remember what was in there at the time, possibly one of Elton John's stage suits!
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Re: Brian's customised pink kit

Postby suspend6 » 13 Aug 2021, 07:20

I think it is totally wrong that a kit donated by Brian is relegated to "storage", possibly never to see the light of day again. I imagine that the purpose of donating the kit was to allow those interested to view it. I would be lobbying for the kit to be given to an organisation that WILL put it on public display.

Re: Brian's customised pink kit

Postby George Geddes » 15 Aug 2021, 16:44

I trust Mr Shiach and Mr Purdon are enjoying their Sunday Post today, especially their favourite comic strips, "Our William" and "The Browns"...

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Re: Brian's customised pink kit

Postby Iain Purdon » 15 Aug 2021, 17:12

Can you hold it a wee minute George. I’m just catching up with Francis Gay and his “week.”
(He must be knocking on a bit surely?)
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Re: Brian's customised pink kit

Postby RayL » 16 Aug 2021, 09:50

An airfield at Wroughton in Wiltshire is where several of the big museums have their stores. Small town museums might have everything on show, but the big museums act as a treasure-house for our civilisation. Only a small amount of their stock can ever be on display at any one time.

These days, mankind is churning out 'products', 'things', at an enormous rate. For that reason museums have to be enormously selective when choosing which items they will keep. Very often it is the earliest example, maybe even a prototype, because with hindsight that item can be seen as a genuine innovation, sometimes even a turning point in civilisation.

If Brian's drums were chosen by the V&A as an item to be kept, then count that as a great honour. A drum kit takes up a lot more storage space than, say, the first iphone,

If you want to see that kit, the best way is to petition the V&A to put on a music-themed exhibition, or to re-purpose a gallery, so that the kit will be displayed alongside other relevant items from that era.

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Re: Brian's customised pink kit

Postby George Geddes » 17 Aug 2021, 09:39


I remember at an early stage in my career, seeing an advert from DC Thomson looking for librarians to find and contribute worthy quotations to the Francis Gay column. I did enquire and was sent a copy of the 'Friendship Book'. In the end, decided not to bother!

To return on-topic, I wonder if the V&A could lend BB's kit to the British Music Experience (originally at the O2, now in Liverpool. Might at least be a chance of seeing it then...

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Re: Brian's customised pink kit

Postby suspend6 » 18 Aug 2021, 01:20

Explore all avenues.


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