Shads drummers - recognition

Anything to do with drums, percussion and drummers

Shads drummers - recognition

Postby drakula63 » 11 Oct 2019, 18:03

I posted this elsewhere, but I may as well stick it here too, since the other topic may vanish before this one.

Funnily enough, I caught a little bit of the golf a few weeks back (I think it was women's golf) on BBC 2 and they were still using BB's 'Chase Side Shootup' as the theme! That must be some kind of record, as it's gotta be 45 years now at least! Also worth saying that Tony Meehan provided congas, strings, horns and reeds (as unlikely as that sounds) on Roger Daltrey's 1975 album 'Ride a Rock Horse' ...and then ended up co-producing Daltrey's next album, 'One of the Boys', with Dave Courtney. This must be some kind of indication of his talents away from the kit too.

Anyway, here's the clipping from 10.10.19.
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