Experienced Drummer looking for a band or musicians.

Anything to do with drums, percussion and drummers

Experienced Drummer looking for a band or musicians.

Postby IainTest » 04 Jan 2021, 13:45


I've been playing my drums to music by Cliff and The Shadows for ages.

My home is in County Durham and I wondered if there are any guitarists/bass players or any musicians who fancy a chat about playing. It would be great to play for fun andor gigs so please PM me anytime.


Re: Experienced Drummer looking for a band or musicians.

Postby Iain Purdon » 04 Jan 2021, 16:26

You’re not very far from Newcastle where there is a thriving community of Shads players at the Tyneside Club. There’s also the Northumberland Club further up the coast at Newbiggin. See the Club Area of this site for details of those and other clubs that may be of interest.
Iain Purdon
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