Trevor Spencer - Question

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Trevor Spencer - Question

Postby donna plasky » 03 Dec 2011, 20:52

Hi, everyone. I was wondering if I could ask your opinion on something regarding Trevor Spencer. He's the percussion half of the Tarney/Spencer band, but I liked him first from his work with Sir Cliff in the 60s, 70s, and 80s. Any way, in early August, I sent Trevor a package addressed as follows: Mr Trevor Spencer, Sh-Boom Music Productions, 13 Tiverton Street, Perth City, Western Australia 6000.

The US Post Office returned the package to me this afternoon. It was stamped: Return to Sender, Unclaimed. Someone wrote Trevor's last name on the side of the box and that seems to be about it. I don't think anyone ever saw the contents, as the box looks unopened. But it contained a short, polite fan letter wherein I asked for his autograph on the T/S Band CD that I had enclosed, and I included a self-addressed envelope with a stack of International Reply Coupons to pay for the return postage.

The "Unclaimed" denotation is weighing on my mind more heavily than the lack of a reply. I know it was a longshot to write someone a fan letter and actually hope for a reply. I do not have an attitude problem, honestly. I just feel sad.

My question you have any theory as to why this turned out the way it did? Has anybody seen/heard Trevor's name lately?

I am not gearing up to re-send the fan letter; I was just wondering.

Thank you for listening. I feel better having been able to tell a friend.


donna plasky

Re: Trevor Spencer - Question

Postby alewis41 » 03 Dec 2011, 22:46

I know that one studio in Perth that Trevor Spencer was involved with suffered a devastating fire around 2004. One of the aussie members may be able to provide you with more information, including whether that is the studio you contacted.
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Joined: 17 Sep 2009, 16:52

Re: Trevor Spencer - Question

Postby donna plasky » 20 Dec 2011, 23:19

Dear Al: Thank you very much for your reply about Trevor Spencer. I am really sorry to hear that there had been a fire at his studio a few years ago, that's awful. I'll keep looking for him.

I was searching on YouTube and found the attached video of the Eurovision 1973 entry, where Trevor was playing percussion...well, sort of :) . On the video from the Song For Europe auditions hosted by Cilla Black, Trevor played a regular drum kit during Power to All Our Friends. But in the actual contest performance, it was a little different. I remember what you all taught me about that contest (which isn't aired here in the US). Some/much of the music is pre-recorded and little of it is live. I couldn't help but laugh that not only does Cliff have some of my favourite guitar players in the world standing behind him (Terry Britten, Alan Tarney, and John Farrar) who are probably not playing live...but Trevor Spencer was cast into the role of Bongo Herbert for this performance :lol: .

Best wishes,

donna plasky

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