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Postby tolo » 19 Jan 2024, 19:43

Wow... does anyone else think that this is like a science fiction date? I remember watching Space 1999 (in 1975!) - when it showed us living on the moon, travelling to places by the Eagle spacecraft and living with shapeshifting aliens... the worst thing was that we all went around in figure hugging white onesies... Although Barry Morse did sport those famous 1970's sideburns at the same time!! As a child at the time, I was reading 2000AD - a comic that depicted an apocalyptic world full of death and destruction - ruled by overlords such as Judge Dredd... could be argued that is a closer prediction I suppose with all of the jeopardy in the world right now... Could be worse I suppose - we could be living 'A Clockwork Orange'...

I guess though it was the same for the generation before - watching Star Trek - with doors that opened as you approach them and talking to people far away using a small (flip up) mobile device... I have a 7 year old child and I often wonder what the 2024 generation will think the future looks like...

Beam me up...

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Re: 2024

Postby Shadbarmy1 » 19 Jan 2024, 21:34

George Orwell's 1984 has the current day spot on! Scarily so! I recently watched the B&W version on Youtube. Beware the brainwashing box in the corner of the room and "They are listening!" Alexa???
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Re: 2024

Postby drakula63 » 25 Jan 2024, 22:08

The interesting thing about Space: 1999 is that they sort of got it right, in some ways. I remember in 1999 everyone was wearing '70s fashions again and many guys of all ages had great big sideburns. Unintentionally, maybe, they did at least prove to be pretty accurate with that! OK, they were wrong about everything else!

As a kid growing up in the 'space age', I remember watching the Moon landings on TV and reading Countdown comic every week, watching UFO, Star Trek and Doctor Who, and I genuinely believed that, by the year 2000, we'd all be living on the Moon, or in a great big wheel orbiting the Earth. Sadly, this never came to pass. But I did feel a certain 'thrill' at midnight 2000 as we entered the new decade, new century, new millennium. It was a sci-fi date that I couldn't believe we'd reached! The Year 2000 was an incredible year for me in many ways and I can't believe that it's now almost a quarter of a century in the past! Time really does fly. As I'm now 60, I don't suppose I'll be around in another 25 years (will any of us?) -- I wonder if we'll be living in space or on Moonbase Alpha by then...?
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Re: 2024

Postby iefje » 26 Jan 2024, 09:57

I have good hope that I will be around in 25 years' time. However, I very much doubt if we are ever going to live in space, on the moon, let alone Mars. Some very vital elements like oxygen, water and food aren't even there, so what's the use?
Anyway, I remember 1999 becoming 2000, 24 years ago. As I'm 42 now, this means I've lived longer in the 21st century than the 20th century. And the current hype of AI (artificial intelligence), I think it can help us solve some problems we don't have an answer to. I don't think machines will ever completely replace us though. A lot of the times, AI is presented to us like it has intelligence and like it is something magic, but the nucleus of these systems is and will always be zeros and ones, binary technology, current switched on or current switched off. Therefor, real and important decisions should always be taken by human beings. Computers have always been and probably will always be handy for routine jobs, but not for making important decisions. Because of this, I don't see a totally autonomous car ever coming on the market. And I wouldn't want to have one, because I like driving!
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Re: 2024

Postby artyman » 26 Jan 2024, 17:06

The thing to remember about AI is that it has been trained on large amounts of data, that data generated by humans, since they are fallible, and I have doubts about the intelligence of some of them, what does that say about AI
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Re: 2024

Postby Uncle Fiesta » 27 Jan 2024, 18:46

Artificial intelligence is no match for genuine stupidity!
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Re: 2024

Postby Didier » 27 Jan 2024, 22:23

artyman wrote:The thing to remember about AI is that it has been trained on large amounts of data, that data generated by humans, since they are fallible, and I have doubts about the intelligence of some of them, what does that say about AI

Ai is a total fraud, all AI softwares are 100% created by humans designers, whose intelligence is neither artificial or infallible.
This is why there are so many failures with AI !
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