Wow... does anyone else think that this is like a science fiction date? I remember watching Space 1999 (in 1975!) - when it showed us living on the moon, travelling to places by the Eagle spacecraft and living with shapeshifting aliens... the worst thing was that we all went around in figure hugging white onesies... Although Barry Morse did sport those famous 1970's sideburns at the same time!! As a child at the time, I was reading 2000AD - a comic that depicted an apocalyptic world full of death and destruction - ruled by overlords such as Judge Dredd... could be argued that is a closer prediction I suppose with all of the jeopardy in the world right now... Could be worse I suppose - we could be living 'A Clockwork Orange'...
I guess though it was the same for the generation before - watching Star Trek - with doors that opened as you approach them and talking to people far away using a small (flip up) mobile device... I have a 7 year old child and I often wonder what the 2024 generation will think the future looks like...
Beam me up...