East Yorks Guitar Club dates 2015

Welcome to the East Yorks message board. You are most welcome to come along to our club meeting once a month please bring your Guitar nothing else needed.

East Yorks Guitar Club dates 2015

Postby old romantic » 30 Nov 2014, 17:50

Hi all,
I have put the dates of the club meetings on the calendar for 2015. These hopefully will not change unless the Ambassador Hotel needs to alter the dates due to wedding bookings or other functions.
Jan 4th New Year meal as per usual
Feb 15th
March 8th
April 12th
May 10th
June 13th, 14th Gala weekend to be confirmed
July 5th
August no meeting
September 6th
October 4th
November 8th
December 6th

Regards Linda
old romantic
Posts: 203
Joined: 16 Sep 2009, 16:50

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