Next meeting 29th April

All are welcome. If you are a player just bring your guitar, the club has everything else that is needed - echo machines, amplifiers, backing tracks and PA system. We have players of all standards from beginner to semi professional. We pride ourselves on being a friendly club and anyone who wants to play is given every help and encouragement.

Next meeting 29th April

Postby Hank2k » 25 Apr 2014, 18:39

Hi all

Next meeting is the 29th April at the usual place be great to see some of you there


Re: Next meeting 29th April

Postby ivanthurlow » 04 Jun 2014, 21:14

Hello Folks,

We were hoping we could generate some interest in seeing us play at The Brookside Theatre in Romford?
We will be there on the evening of Saturday Sept 20th, playing Shads classics Cliff's hits and rock n roll from the era!
If you know someone or a group of you who would be up for that,please come along and enjoy the show.

Its The Runaways with Simon Goodall (Sounds like Cliff) who is guesting with us. If you want the details please see the Theatre webpage
or contact us through ours. We hope to see you there, please come and make yourselves known at the interval too,
it would be good to say hello. Thank you for your time folks. :)

Kindest regards,

Ivan c/o The Runaways

Re: Next meeting 29th April

Postby Hank2k » 04 Jun 2014, 21:40

Right behind where i work so will definitely be there

Re: Next meeting 29th April

Postby ivanthurlow » 18 Jun 2014, 00:42

Hi Steve,

Magic spread the word sir :)


Ivan c/o The Runaways

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