Meeting Details

All are welcome. If you are a player just bring your guitar, the club has everything else that is needed - echo machines, amplifiers, backing tracks and PA system. We have players of all standards from beginner to semi professional. We pride ourselves on being a friendly club and anyone who wants to play is given every help and encouragement.

Meeting Details

Postby David Martin » 17 Sep 2009, 08:30

Friends of the Shadows
Guitar Club
Meetings normally held on the last Tuesday of each month, starting 8pm at :
The Ekco Social and Sports Club
Thornford Gardens (off Manners Way)
Essex, SS2 6PU
All are welcome. If you are a player just bring your guitar, the club has everything else that is needed - echo machines, amplifiers, backing tracks and PA system.
We have players of all standards from beginner to semi professional. We pride ourselves on being a friendly club and anyone who wants to play is given every help and encouragement.
2009 Dates
January 27th
February 24th
March 31st
April 28th
May 26th
June 30th
July 28th
August 25th
September 29th
October 27th
November 24th
December - No Meeting
Past visitors have been:- Warren Bennett who joined us for the 1st International Shadows Music Day , Lisa "Rokchik" and her friend Linda,"JJ" Hank's sound man - a pleaure to enjoy his company, Phil Kelly and Alan Jones and it’s always a pleasure to listen to Ian McCutcheon.
We were also surprised by Bruce, who dropped in unannounced to one of our meetings. He brought along "that Strat" which he left on a table for us to touch/handle/strum etc. He chatted to people, answered questions, signed autographs and then played rhythm on a couple of numbers (including The Savage !), again using the famous strat.
David M
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David Martin
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Posts: 1440
Joined: 08 Sep 2009, 16:48
Location: Lincoln

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