2019 Meeting Dates

All are welcome. If you are a player just bring your guitar, the club has everything else that is needed - echo machines, amplifiers, backing tracks and PA system. We have players of all standards from beginner to semi professional. We pride ourselves on being a friendly club and anyone who wants to play is given every help and encouragement.

2019 Meeting Dates

Postby Hank2k » 04 Jan 2019, 12:22

Friends of the Shadows Guitar Club Southend

Tuesday 29th January
Tuesday 26th February
Tuesday 26th March
Tuesday 30th April
Tuesday 28th May
Tuesday 25th June
Tuesday 30th July
Tuesday 27th August
Tuesday 24th September
Tuesday 29th October
Tuesday 26th November

Starting 8pm at :
The Ekco Social and Sports Club
Thornford Gardens (off Manners Way)
Essex, SS2 6PU

All are welcome. If you are a player just bring your guitar, the club has everything else that is needed - echo machines, amplifiers, backing tracks and PA system.
We have players of all standards from beginner to semi professional. We pride ourselves on being a friendly club and anyone who wants to play is given every help and encouragement.

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