I'm very pleased to announce that the York Shadows Club has a new home! After many successful years at the Huntington Sports Club, it was time for a change and we are very lucky to have been able to secure a regular meeting place at The Dunnington Sports and Social Club.
The format for the meeting will be the same kicking off at around 1pm with members playing to backing tracks until around 3pm, short break for raffle etc. and then finish off the day with an opportunity to play 'live' with the Club scratch band until around 5pm.
The dates for 2017 are as follows (yes, it is correct that there will be two dates in May due to club availability!):-
- 7 May
28 May
25 June
30 July
27 August
24 September
29 October
26 November
17 December
...and this is where to find us...