The answer to the question that began this thread is, of course, yes, the vibrato arm is essential to Hank’s Shadows sound.
As in many threads, this one has morphed into other topics, the principal one being Hank’s use of the vibrato arm. His style has changed dramatically over the years, and which style one follows is a matter of taste. Maybe one employs all styles, depending on the tune being played.
In my case, the task is more focused. I just want to learn how Hank played those early, pre-Burns pieces. I just have to listen very carefully. It is good I have that grail still to chase.
Our shows were before a paying audience in a theater setting. We knew the guests were there, not to hear my interpretation of the Shads pieces, but to hear those pieces as they remember them played live. The title of one show was “Music As You Heard it Before.”