Positive Grid Spark practice amp

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Re: Positive Grid Spark practice amp

Postby pauldb38 » 11 Apr 2022, 10:32

C-C wrote:Thanks Brian,
Its one of the Ipads I was looking at.
I will take another look at it tomorrow morning.
Its one of the Ipads that was mentioned on Spark Website.
It is always best to know someone who uses one.

To be honest it works great with a iPad min gen3 you can pick them up cheap on market place on facebook, but I also have a a few android devices knocking about that all run the latest android and work perfectly with spark. Maybe buy the amp and try with your phones or tablets before splashing out?
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Re: Positive Grid Spark practice amp

Postby C-C » 11 Apr 2022, 11:20

After my query on this site a friend came round to my studio and brought his Air 3.
After having a do on the Ipad Air 3 I was pleased it gives me a nice size screen.
In the studio I use a Cymatic Audio LP16 for backing tracks, But
If I am away I use Sound Cue so a larger screen is best for my large hands.
This morning I ordered one It should get it on Wednesday.
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Re: Positive Grid Spark practice amp

Postby C-C » 12 Apr 2022, 08:39

A friend of mine uses a (Electro-Harmonix 44 Magnum Power amp pedal)
From the Spark amp to his Speaker cab.
It takes the feed from headphone output with stereo to mono jack cable
You will need a special cable 1/8th stereo to 1/4" mono made up with internal resistors.
into the pedal then speaker cable directly to the Speaker cab. 8 ohms to 16 ohms.
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Re: Positive Grid Spark practice amp

Postby dave robinson » 14 Apr 2022, 18:49

My apologies to those of you who were expecting some sound files of the Spark amplifier but once again I find myself playing drums for a second week owing to our drummer's absence due to medical stuff. I have hardly touched the guitar but things should get back to normal for next week, I have just had to put the demos on hold.
I'm impatiently waiting for the Spark Mini to appear on sale here in the UK, I really can use one of those due to it's tiny footprint. I have used my Spark on the front end of my Fender Tone Master & the TVS3 and it is something I most definitely will be gigging to get that instant Vox tone for those early Shadows tunes.
I will get these demos done so don't think that I had forgotten, it's just that I was going to do them at our residency when I set up in the afternoon and my absent drummer Arthur was to be the camera man, but I'll have to wait until he's fit. :)
Dave Robinson
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