Read Me First please...

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Read Me First please...

Postby David Martin » 21 Sep 2009, 09:37

I'm conscious that lots of folks want to get as near as they can to sounds made by The Shads, so I've started this dedicated sub-forum. It's intended to be a repository for all those little wrinkles (and caveats) more experienced players have amassed over the years in one easy-to-find place.

I'll get the ball rolling with one or two posts, but feel free to join in, add your advice, ask your question and, of course, disagree... :D

Added later... As this area has proved popular with much more stuff from members, I've moved my original posts to the beginning of the thread to give beginners a start in each of the important areas of "that sound"...

Many thanks to all contributors for their later, more erudite and eclectic postings... :)
David M
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Re: Read Me First please...

Postby Amanda » 21 Sep 2009, 11:38

Hi David,

A great idea!

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Re: Read Me First please...

Postby dagon1 » 17 Mar 2010, 04:14

David Martin wrote:I'm conscious that lots of folks want to get as near as they can to sounds made by The Shads, so I've started this dedicated sub-forum. It's intended to be a repository for all those little wrinkles (and caveats) more experienced players have amassed over the years in one easy-to-find place.

I'll get the ball rolling with one or two posts, but feel free to join in, add your advice, ask your question and, of course, disagree... :D

Hi Dave,
I take you as the "man in the know" about the techniques that Hank uses to get those glorious tones. ;) ;)
I am keen to know the string muting techniques (et al Atlantis ) where the bridge muted sounds still plays clear compared to some of my attempts which sound more muffled. Any suggestions?

Re: Read Me First please...

Postby David Martin » 17 Mar 2010, 08:25

Simple to describe but needs practice to perfect... You simply vary the pressure from the side of your hand on the bridge. So for Wonderful Land a steady constant pressure which gives the echo a sufficiently "clipped" sound to work on, whereas Atlantis is a lighter pressure - removed before the note goes completely dead - so you get a muted sound with a degree of "ring" left to it...

Make sense? :)
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Re: Read Me First please...

Postby Bojan » 17 Mar 2010, 16:23

For me muting also works well with the base of my hand rather than the side. In addition to very effective muting, this leaves the hand in a more natural playing position. Does anyone else do this?

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