Because there is no "one single Hank sound" there is, accordingly no single, solution to any of the kit choices, so if you are aiming to duplicate every Shadows' lead guitar sound, you'll need lots of money and kit, and you'll spend more time listening to the sound than playing and enjoying the music - in that direction, madness lies.
So what I'm advising here will get you - in varying degrees - a "good" Shads sound, and some of it will move you in the direction of an "authentic" Shadows sound.
First choice... are we talking bedroom playing, bedroom playing with an occasional venture to a smallish club, or all of that plus gigs with a drummer? (If you have the luxury of plugging into a PA much of what follows can be ignored!!)
Second choice... valves, transistors or a bit of both? Hang on! We're talking sounds here, not technology, so trust your ears! Take your own guitar to the shop (that's why shops are useful..) and try the amps till you get the sound you like... Don't forget that if you take someone's advice (including mine) you get all the personal prejudices thrown in for free!!
So... the tiny Vox DA5 will make great guitar sounds at volumes you won't believe, and any of the Vox Valvetronix range will give you emulations of all the great Vox amps in fine style and a whole load more... I've been playing through a VT 50 recently... not too big and will do any of the venues mentioned above....
To be continued... (more guff on amps coming up...) I'll just add some more to this a little later...