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Re: Amplifiers...

Postby Strummer » 19 Jan 2012, 18:06

Hi all

Just to say that I have "solved" all my soul rending and worrisome complaints about "That Sound!"

I am now the proud owner of a collectors item VOX AC30 CC2 All-Valve amplifier complete with an Alesis Quadraverb 2 Echo machine fitted complete with Charlie Halls EFTP patches. RESULT? Fan-tas-tic! What a sound! Superb! Job done. Not only that but the VOX is one of four that were made for the shadows, this one kept at the factory as a backup should anything go wrong with the other three. It has gold letters stating "The Shadows" about three inches high in the bottom right hand corner of the amp, in short, a collectors piece. Whoo! Hoo!

I am soooo happy.

Re: Amplifiers...

Postby panchodiaz » 19 Jan 2012, 19:31

Hi Arthur,

Congrats for your new adquisitions. But I´m a bit confused. You said the amp is a Vox AC30 CC2 and that it was made for The Shadows. Are you sure that that is not a JMI AC30 instead of a Vox CC2? The Shadows used JMI amps in their Final Reunion tour with Cliff and, on the other hand, Vox CC series are too recent to have been used by them in the old times.

Anyway, a great kit.

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Re: Amplifiers...

Postby Strummer » 20 Jan 2012, 17:58

I have it on good authority that the Amp WAS a backup for The shadows, as I stated it even has their name in 3" Gold lettering in the bottom right hand corner of the cabinet!

The gentleman I bought it from runs a Shadows Club and one of the memebers, a friend of his, died after recently purchasing it. I then bought it as part of all his equipment/collection of guitar/amplifier paraphenaelia that was being sold to raise funds for his widow. I am reliably informed that this is completely true? So, ......?

However, that aside, the combination of my Japanese Stratocaster and the VOX AC30 CC2 allied to the Alesis Quadraverb unit is just, well, astounding.

I can, in all honsty, state that VOX all-valve is just fantastic. I also own 2 x VOX AD30 VT's, I have just "set them up" so that i can combine them with the Quadraverb and they do a really decent job also, but, the AC30 all-valve is a just the dogs b*ll*cks! (Sorry about the language, but it truly is scintillating.) You just have to hear it to believe it.

Re: Amplifiers...

Postby bazmusicman » 22 Jan 2012, 13:05

Hi Strummer,

There's no substitute for an all valve amp.
Welcome to the wonderful world of valves!

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Re: Amplifiers...

Postby Strummer » 23 Jan 2012, 14:30

Yup! Your dead right there Baz! I have no reservations in stating that the Valves are soooo different, warming even. Played via the Alesis Quadraverb I am so near the echoes from dear old Hank.

Now I just need to adopt nearer his style. Mind you don't want to be an exact clone, but, just be nice to achieve his sound. I'm into Country and Western and Blues so I will be concentrating on those as soon as I can get clser to HBM.

Re: Amplifiers...

Postby noelford » 23 Jan 2012, 15:51

I was always a valve-man, but these days, with modelling technology, the gap between valve and digital; has narrowed greatly. Okay, I suppose it depends, also, on the type of music you are playing but, these days, for clean sounds, I am very happy running a modeller into a solid state amp (in my case a Pod X3 Pro into a Bose L1 Compact). When I had my 50w valve amp, I compared running the pod into that and into a solid state PA and, quite honestly, the difference was minimal. Any tiny difference, for me, is outweighed (literally!) by the problems of carting heavy amps up and down stairs!

Re: Amplifiers...

Postby zager » 23 Jan 2012, 17:25

hi all, i have a vox cambridge15, great amp for shadows music if you can still find one and for bedroom playing. i also have a vox tonelab and a Vamp. my setup at the minute doesnt include any of these and i can get a decent sound for me from just using magicstomp (eftp) along with a boss eq. (very basic setup). sometimes i wonder do we really need all of this expensive to get a good sound. maybe for gigging but for home use, personally i dont think so. regards tony
Last edited by zager on 15 Mar 2012, 21:16, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Amplifiers...

Postby keithmantle » 23 Jan 2012, 17:41

The Shadows badges can be bought off Eric the badge man about £60(he made them for the tour amps, I had one for 9/10), i don't think the shads used cc2's, as said JMI produced the 50th anniv tour amps (hand built not quite the same as Ltd Ed ones), and a run of 10 ltd edition ones where produced (i had No 9/10) they where 30/6 top boost, if you have one of these it should have a 100mmx80mm grey JMI plaque on the back stating it was produced in the JMI custom shop England and numbered 1/10-10/10, the top boost controls are also on the back in a recess as per the early TB Vox's

Re: Amplifiers...

Postby bazmusicman » 23 Jan 2012, 21:29

Hi Kieth,
Yes I have a 'Limited Edition JMI' my one is number 6 of ten. Coupled with my TVS3 the sound is magic.
Now if only I could get my fingers to do what I am telling them!!!!

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Re: Amplifiers...

Postby keithmantle » 24 Jan 2012, 10:48

Hi Baz, JMI put the wrong plaque on mine initially , I had yours No 6, they sent me the correct one but I've still got the original No 6 plaque that i keep on the wall in my music room. !!


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