Echo machines...

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Re: Echo machines...

Postby Chic Berkhout » 29 May 2014, 07:25

Hi Ecca, a long walk indeed. I see there is a club in Cape Town - hopefully there is one in Johannesburg. I am planning to start gigging (filling in during breaks initially), so I must try and have a fixed setting. I saw The Shadows with Cliff two years ago during their 50th anniversary tour, and the sound was almost better than in '61 and '63 when they were last here in JHB. I must presume that his sound is on a fixed setting (unless the techie at the back is setting him up for every tune??). You say you know just the man......... who is he?
Chic Berkhout

Re: Echo machines...

Postby abstamaria » 29 May 2014, 10:20

Hello, Chic,

l believe for the Final Tour and the more recent shows that Hank used a different echo setting or patch for each piece. For the Final Tour, he used an Alesis Q20 with Charlie Hall's Echoes of the Past program. Later on, he used the specialist TVS echo machine, built in Perth by Dr Paul Rossiter (a physicist! ). I am not the expert here, so others may be better informed.

The patches can be selected by the player on stage easily on both machines (and also on the Zoom machines programmed by Charlie) , but a techie pushing buttons in the wings will make for a more professional show. The TVS is easiest for this purpose as it has a pre-select feature.

The Eccamatics are very well regarded; unfortunately I don't have one. Perhaps some day.

I hope this is helpful.

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Re: Echo machines...

Postby David Martin » 29 May 2014, 14:13

Sorry to have taken so long to get back to you Arthur...

The appalling reality is that the general public won't notice that the echo isn't a perfect replica of the recorded work, but they may notice that the tone isn't right - get the pickup selection and amp controls right - but more likely, they may notice that the phrasing, tremolo use and pick attack making sound wrong - and they are definitely in your hands.

I used an Echoes From The Past programmed Alesis Q2 for many years playing live and was happy with that though there are much better units now - the Zoom is rather shrill and slightly metallic to my ears...

I have one of Ecca's valve preamp eTap machines for use at home and its sound is sublime...
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Re: Echo machines...

Postby abstamaria » 29 May 2014, 16:49

David, I was thinking about what you said about the audience noticing tone more than the echoes, and believe you are absolutely right.

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Re: Echo machines...

Postby Chic Berkhout » 29 May 2014, 19:15

Hi Andy, I'd love a TVS3, but to import them from Oz is just too pricey. Thanks for your input, Chic
Chic Berkhout

Re: Echo machines...

Postby abstamaria » 30 May 2014, 13:03

By the way, Chic, re your earlier email, Hank did use a different amp and I believe already the Burns, perhaps with thinner strings, on the later pieces you mentioned. That could account for the tonal difference you noticed.

I used a Zoom G7iut with EFTP in one concert. That's a foot pedal, and I changed the settings myself. Somewhat distracting though.

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Re: Echo machines...

Postby Chic Berkhout » 30 May 2014, 14:20

Hi Andy, you're probably right. I suppose that is what makes this such a fantastic one (except Hank himself) will probably ever get it a 100% right. But it is great fun trying!! Chic
Chic Berkhout

Re: Echo machines...

Postby roger bayliss » 31 May 2014, 17:41

Hi Chic

As you are nowhere near a club I will try to offer a little advice for a good generic Shads tone to cover a number of tunes.

Try setting your amps treble at 12 O Clock and cut the bass to around 10 - 40% (depending on Pickup) and if you have a Middle control set it in its neutral pos which is very likely around 12 O Clock. If you have a presence/top cut set that around 30 - 50% typically. Try playing Peace Pipe and see how it sounds with the right echos on for it. If it sounds okay then you are on your way if not it could be the mids need tweaking a bit depending on your amp.

If you get a Graphic EQ try cutting the bass and trebles with a smiley type curve leaving the mids up between 400 - 2K. A good freq to cut is 800hz. You may need to boost the eq pedals output if you cut the freqs as it takes the ooomp away a bit. Use the correct pickup... Peace Pipe is Neck PU for your sound test.

This should work for a generic good shads tone

If your amp has a top boost or brilliance setting use that.
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Re: Echo machines...

Postby Chic Berkhout » 04 Jun 2014, 15:14

Thanks Rogor, it certainly helps tweaking the AC30 - thanks!. I suppose we also get more critical the closer one gets to the "right" sound.
Chic Berkhout

Re: Echo machines...

Postby Strummer » 10 Jun 2014, 14:28

dave robinson wrote:
Strummer wrote:AND...I STILL cannot seem to find "That Sound!" Really fed up with it.

I use VOX amps I have two AD30 VT pre-amp boxes and an AC 30 CC2 "all valve"

On the AC 30 I can't seem to decide where the dials and switches should be for best results, I also link the amps into an Alesis Quadraverb GT2 but still can't find "That Sound?"

Any advice would be most welcome. I am thinking of getting a 10 Band Equalizer to see if I can get "That Sound?" using that piece of equipment?

I am in despair to be honest.


An eTap2 plugged into your CC2 should give you THAT SOUND in spades. No need for graphic EQ.
Where do you live ? I'd come and do it for you if you were close enough.

Sorry not to have answered your last post Dave, but have been laid up with flu bug, and, an infection in my right lung.

I live in Broxbourne, Hertfordshire, bit too far for you I think? Shame as i could have done with some of your expertise, I really could.

Not sure what to do now, I feel very despondent actually and was thinking, "sod it, just sell up the gear and do something else." But, I'm not one for giving in easily. Can you give me any advice over the air waves at all?

I am in your hands, sir.

Kind regards



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