Echo machines...

Loads of accumulated experience

Re: Echo machines...

Postby db133 » 28 Sep 2012, 11:23

db133 wrote:
ecca wrote:Ha David, I already did.
There's the link.

I must be missing something, when I click on the link I get the following:

"This program does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Please install a program or if one is already installed, create an association in the Default Programs control pannel"

I am usung Windows 7 and now I am confused as to what is the correct action to take...........chap on you tube used Kristal Audio : "put the etap2 file in the Kristal plugins folder, if you have not used multi track software before, "

In any event kind regards.

Re: Echo machines...

Postby ecca » 28 Sep 2012, 11:33

Hi David, right click on it and 'save target as'.
Then put it into your VST folder.

Re: Echo machines...

Postby db133 » 28 Sep 2012, 18:25


I have installed Kristal Audio Engine to run the The eTAP2 Engineer module.

I do not appear to have a VST folder/ VST dedicated folder of the host or if I do I can not find it. I have looked under the Kristal > Engine > Preferences > VST effects > VST folders 1 to 3 =none. I think there a problem here with 32/64 bit not sure..........

Do I need to make a folder and put the etap software in it ? If so where is the best place for the folder ?


Re: Echo machines...

Postby db133 » 28 Sep 2012, 21:35

db133 wrote:Hi

I have installed Kristal Audio Engine to run the The eTAP2 Engineer module.

But I now understand there may be problems with it and Windows 7 so I'll go on to the Kristal Forum for some advice.

I have started a thread on VST hosts and Windows 7, with the hope of finding a less complicated solution to running Krisal which I understand was not for Windows 7

Thanks for your input kind regards.


Re: Echo machines...

Postby Echotapper » 02 Oct 2012, 07:08

db133 wrote:Hi

I have installed Kristal Audio Engine to run the The eTAP2 Engineer module.

I do not appear to have a VST folder/ VST dedicated folder of the host or if I do I can not find it. I have looked under the Kristal > Engine > Preferences > VST effects > VST folders 1 to 3 =none. I think there a problem here with 32/64 bit not sure..........

Do I need to make a folder and put the etap software in it ? If so where is the best place for the folder ?


As Ecca already mentioned you need a folder somewhere to store your VST modules. In some cases the DAW will look for it in the C drive under a structure based like C:\Program Files\Steinberg\VstPlugins in other cases your DAW will create something else....


What Hank thinks of EFTP

Postby abstamaria » 26 Nov 2012, 08:19

I finally was able to read "Man of Meazzi," an article in the August 2012 issue of Guitarist. Many thanks to our colleague here who sent me the magazine. It is quite an interesting article, highly recommended for all Shadows fans. It underscored to me how careful Hank was with his sound and how involved he was with his echo equipment.

It seems from the article that Hank tried hard to find a replacement for the Meazzi, which he was quite fond of but got less reliable (and noisy) with time, trying Binsons, the Echorec, and a Roland RE-301. He liked the clarity of the latter best, but said it "lacked the character of the Meazzi." He didn't seem to find a suitable analog replacement.

In response to the question "So now we’re in the digital age [what] are you using now?" Hank replied "Well I used the Echoes From The Past system for a few tours and I thought that was absolutely brilliant because it seemed to be as close as we could get to the original recordings in terms of the exact placement of the multitaps, even to the extent of a little wow and flutter and all that – so it was very good."

That's quite a complement, coming from the man himself. I think, from memory, that Charlie ranked the Magicstomp and Alesis Q20 as sounding best with his EFTP programs, and that Hank used the Q20s for the Final Tour. Both are no longer available new, so we look forward to Charlie's new, custom-made box. I wonder what Hank will think of that; I assume he will like it as well. (I have no relation with Charlie's business, but do wish him well.)

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Re: Echo machines...

Postby Tab » 26 Nov 2012, 08:37

Hank used TVS3s on tour most recently.

Re: Echo machines...

Postby Bojan » 26 Nov 2012, 10:40

Tab, just to clarify: Andy is referring to the "Final Tour" which was in 2005. What you are referring to is the "Final Reunion" with Cliff Richard in 2010.


Postby abstamaria » 27 Nov 2012, 04:54

Yes, that's right. I was referring to the Final Tour. Hank really liked the quietness of the EFTP units and the ability to change patches quickly. He said in the same article:

“It was quiet too, and being digital meant we were able to tailor each echo for the specific tune and we could also have everything set up so my guitar tech would just prepare it in advance for the next time. Even if we did a Shadows medley, where each number had a different echo, we could do the same thing and it sounded wonderful, whereas before, if you were doing a segue, you had to use a compromised echo. This was so much more authentic."

What an improvement the EFTP units must have been to Hank, and perhaps someday, Charlie Hall or someone else here present at the time could tell us thes tory of Hank's introduction to these units.

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Postby abstamaria » 27 Nov 2012, 05:00

At the end of his interview in the August 2012 issue of Guitarist, Hank talked about his present echo rig -

“As for now, there’s a guy over there in Perth, Professor Paul Rossiter, who’s been a big Shadows fan since his teenage years and he always loved the sound of the Meazzi, so a few years ago he got the schematics for the preamp and built one. And even just the preamp linked to the Echoes From The Past sounded better, because it captured some of the sound that the Meazzi had.

He then developed it further into a full-blown echo system, the TVS3 and when were recording the stuff for the Cliff and the Shads reunion album I decided to try one out – it sounded really good. I thought it sounded very authentic and, thanks to the preamp, slightly better than the Exhoes From The Past system. I think it’s a combination of digital and analogue technology, it’s incredibly quiet and again I can have the guitar tech to wind on at the end of each number into the next echo. I’m very impressed with that; it’s a really good system.”

That's a great endorsement, too. Read the article; it's quite interesting.


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