I bought one of these - fully assembled - from Ecca Thacker. Obviously, this was some years ago now.
Because I wasn't gigging with a rehearsed band, it regarded it as a bit of a long-term speculative purchase. It would be of little use at jam nights, where stage space and rigging time is at a premium. In that situation, the Magicstomp can't be beaten.
But yesterday, I decided to do a little archaeology in the garage and soon found my unused Eccamatic. Today I connected it up and switched on. Result: delight and bemusement in equal measure. There are ten different echo settings 0 - 9 inclusive, most of which appear to simulate the various settings of the Meazzi namesake. But there's also a "Mode" rotary switch. I wonder what that does?
In short, is there anyone out there who has a document which gives details of what all the non-obvious controls do, please?
I would ask Ecca, but...