New Club - East Kent

Re: New Club - East Kent

Postby RogerCook » 24 Feb 2020, 14:17

Would be nice if you could make it but I understand the dilemma. I'm not a fan of long late night drives either!

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Joined: 17 Sep 2009, 09:56

Re: New Club - East Kent

Postby Mikebeer » 25 Feb 2020, 21:16

Hi Roger, looking forward to it. See you there!
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Re: New Club - East Kent

Postby RogerCook » 14 Mar 2020, 10:47

Regrettably, I've taken the decision to cancel the inaugural meeting on 19th March due to the Corona virus and the uncertainty about travel and how many members might or might not attend. I still intend running this once things become more stable.

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Joined: 17 Sep 2009, 09:56


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