Site Policy on donations

Guidance to members

Site Policy on donations

Postby Admin » 09 Sep 2009, 11:43

ShadowMusic is provided free of charge for the benefit of its members and there is no obligation or expectation for any member to subscribe or make a donation to help with the cost of site maintenance. We would ask all members not to discuss the subject in open forum.

However, there is a cost involved in running and maintaining the site and members may feel they would like to make a contribution towards those costs.

If you would like to make a contribution of whatever amount you see fit there are various ways you can do so:

By Paypal please follow this link:


AlertPay aka Payza has proved to be unreliable and has currently suspended all UK operations. For this reason the link has been removed.

By any other means
Please send an e-mail to and we will be happy to help you make it as easy as possible.

Thank you in advance for your kind and generous contribution. If you wish to add a note in this forum please feel free to do so.

Many Thanks,

Site Admin
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Joined: 08 Sep 2009, 13:02

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