Who is using this site now?

Various things relevant to the site in its new archive mode. Any further progress will be reported here.

Who is using this site now?

Postby Iain Purdon » 17 May 2024, 16:53

I don’t know but I do have a clue.

There is a counter that tells me every 5 minutes how many people are online.
As I write, 16:46 on 17 May, it reports 840 online.
It also says the highest recent number measured recently was yesterday at 1014.

I don’t know who they are though. I was one of them, you may have been another, but the rest are simply defined as Guests. Some of these could be bots, others could be people surfing without stopping. Some, though, will be reading the site. I find that encouraging.

Actually there is one group I didn’t mention that still has full access to the site. The Admin and Moderator team can still write and edit here. That’s simply because some of us will be doing occasional tidying up behind the scenes.
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Re: Who is using this site now?

Postby dave robinson » 18 May 2024, 19:52

I'm still around Iain.
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Re: Who is using this site now?

Postby JimN » 19 May 2024, 01:35

Well, I can see your posts!

That's because, for years, the default web-page in Chrome has been:


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Re: Who is using this site now?

Postby Iain Purdon » 19 May 2024, 15:47

Dave, Jim - of course you can, you have full site access. Ordinary members no longer do, though and any of them using the link http://shadowmusic.bdme.co.uk/search.php?search_id=newposts will find their way barred!

This was more to indicate that there’s plenty of traffic here despite that!
Iain Purdon
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