A Life Story - a final thank you to David Martin...

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A Life Story - a final thank you to David Martin...

Postby MeBHank » 09 May 2024, 05:26

I haven't passed comment yet on the changes happening on this site. For a long time my life has been extremely hectic and so I have taken to simply refreshing the page 'The Message Boards' (which I always have open on a tab on my laptop) to quickly update myself on any new comments and threads, not realising that I was missing new 'Announcements' threads. I was quite behind in learning of the significant changes that will happen in the next few hours.

Rewind more than two decades... I knew that The Shadows were a well-loved band, a colourful phenomenon with the most distinctive of sounds and a fond place in the hearts of more than one generation. What I was unaware of was that the band's fan following was fast becoming a phenomenon all of its own.

When I first encountered the original ShadowMusic MSN forum I was an energy-filled 17-year-old who was supposed to be studying for my AS Levels. I should have been revising. But that year I wasn't bothered about grades in the slightest. I had bought my first backing track CD from Leo's Den (UBHank Volume One - obviously!) and so I was trying to learn as many Shadows tunes as I could (as opposed to merely playing along with my Hank and Shadows CDs). I was busy with performances with my own band and with the school big band. I had other pursuits I was involved with. I was in love with my best mate's girlfriend. And, most significantly: The Shadows were about to go on tour for the first time in 14 years - during the exam season! - and I had tickets to three of their concerts. I was spending every moment I could spare on using computers in the school library (we didn't have the Internet at home) to consume anything and everything I could find about Hank and The Shads. As I said: bugger revision. I initially signed up to the forum as 'nivramkid' and one of the first things I can remember doing was to make contact with Jim Nugent to purchase tickets for his 'do' at London's Bonnington Hotel on 13th June that year (the night before The Shads' famous last show at the London Palladium). As all members of the site did I drank in the reports of each show on the tour as they filtered in, hungrily gazing at photos of Stratocasters and Burns Marvins played in tandem, my heart bursting at images of a reunited Hank and Bruce on stage. It was the stuff of dreams.

I had discovered literally a whole world of people like me who shared my enthusiasm for this music, those men, those guitars. Till that point I had always thought I was alone in my passion, that my all-consuming, long-term infatuation was a quirk that no-one else shared. I was constantly ridiculed at school for my 'weird' taste in music and eyes always rolled when my guitar made an appearance. I didn't belong there.

No, I'd found my home. ShadowMusic in 2004 was thriving, frantic, overflowing with activity. I was led to believe it was at one point the third most-used MSN forum on the entire Internet. We asked and answered questions, creating a formidable collective knowledge between us. We shared sound files. We debated about Fender, Burns and Gretsch guitars. We joked, we bickered, we criticised, we gushed... and we grew closer. A worldwide community brought together, spurred on and inspired by our greatest moment as a community: the previously unimaginable reunification of our heroes on stage and - for one tune at least - on record.

I don't remember the exact date I discovered the ShadowMusic forum, but I know it is - by a few weeks at least - now more than 20 years ago since I did. A lifetime. Well, more than half of mine, anyway.

I can't imagine waking up over the next couple of days and not checking in. ShadowMusic has been a constant in my life since I was technically still a child. I have met lifelong friends thanks to this community. ShadowMusic has directly changed the course of my own life story.

To our original leader, the man who started us all on this online journey, who united us all under a banner, who gave us a home: I cannot think of words that can adequately express the gratitude I personally feel for the decades of joy and the sense of belonging you have given this scrawny, geeky little kid who just wanted to play guitar and talk about The Shadows. You can be sure these sentiments are echoed around the world in thousands of minds and hearts.

David, thank you.

Massive thanks must also go to the moderators and the men who've hosted the site for us.

To everyone else: it's been a blast. Thank you for your friendship. I hope I encounter you all elsewhere, whether that be on the new ShadowMusic Community Facebook group or another location. If you'd like to get in touch feel free to email: justin_daish(AT)hotmail.com

From some point today life won't quite be the same again...
Last edited by MeBHank on 09 May 2024, 13:23, edited 2 times in total.
Justin Daish
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Re: A Life Story - a final thank you to David Martin...

Postby Keith Bateman » 09 May 2024, 07:56

A fine epitaph Justin for this superb site that I have visited daily for many years.
It's been a great source of information and a terrific way of bonding like-minded enthusiasts.
My grateful thanks once more to all involved with its operation.
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Re: A Life Story - a final thank you to David Martin...

Postby iefje » 09 May 2024, 11:31

MeBHank wrote:I haven't passed comment yet on the changes happening on this site. For a long time my life has been extremely hectic and so I have taken to simply refreshing the page 'The Message Boards' (which I always have open on a tab on my laptop) to quickly update myself on any new comments and threads, not realising that I was missing new 'Announcements' threads. I was quite behind in learning of the significant changes that will happen in the next few hours.

Rewind more than two decades... I knew that The Shadows were a well-loved band, a colourful phenomenon with the most distinctive of sounds and a fond place in the hearts of more than one generation. What I was unaware of was that the band's fan following was fast becoming a phenomenon all of its own.

When I first encountered the original ShadowMusic MSN forum I was an energy-filled 17-year-old who was supposed to be studying for my AS Levels. I should have been revising. But that year I wasn't bothered about grades in the slightest. I had bought my first backing track CD from Leo's Den (UBHank Volume One - obviously!) and so I was trying to learn as many Shadows tunes as I could (as opposed to merely playing along with my Hank and Shadows CDs). I was busy with performances with my own band and with the school big band. I had other pursuits I was involved with. I was in love with my best mate's girlfriend. And, most significantly: The Shadows were about to go on tour for the first time in 14 years - during the exam season! - and I had tickets to three of their concerts. I was spending every moment I could spare on using computers in the school library (we didn't have the Internet at home) to consume anything and everything I could find about Hank and The Shads. As I said: bugger revision. I initially signed up to the forum as 'nivramkid' and one of the first things I can remember doing was to make contact with Jim Nugent to purchase tickets for his 'do' at London's Bonnington Hotel on 13th June that year (the night before The Shads' famous last show at the London Palladium). As all members of the site did I drank in the reports of each show on the tour as they filtered in, hungrily gazing at photos of Stratocasters and Burns Marvins played in tandem, my heart bursting at images of a reunited Hank and Bruce on stage. It was the stuff of dreams.

I had discovered literally a whole world of people like me who shared my enthusiasm for this music, those men, those guitars. Till that point I had always thought I was alone in my passion, that my all-consuming, long-term infatuation was a quirk that no-one else shared. I was constantly ridiculed at school for my 'weird' taste in music and eyes always rolled when my guitar made an appearance. I didn't belong there.

No, I'd found my home. ShadowMusic in 2004 was thriving, frantic, overflowing with activity. I was led to believe it was at one point the third most-used MSN forum on the entire Internet. We asked and answered questions, creating a formidable collective knowledge between us. We shared sound files. We debated about Fender, Burns and Gretsch guitars. We joked, we bickered, we criticised, we gushed... and we grew closer. A worldwide community brought together, spurred on and inspired by our greatest moment as a community: the previously unimaginable reunification of our heroes on stage and - for one tune at least - on record.

I don't remember the exact date I discovered the ShadowMusic forum, but I know it is - by a few weeks at least - now more than 20 years ago since I did. A lifetime. Well, more than half of mine, anyway.

I can't imagine waking up over the next couple of days and not checking in. ShadowMusic has been a constant in my life since I was technically still a child. I have met lifelong friends thanks to this community. ShadowMusic has directly changed the course of my own life story.

To our original leader, the man man who started us all on this online journey, who united us all under a banner, who gave us a home: I cannot think of words that can adequately express the gratitude I personally feel for the decades of joy and the sense of belonging you have given this scrawny, geeky little kid who just wanted to play guitar and talk about The Shadows. You can be sure these sentiments are echoed around the world in thousands of minds and hearts.

David, thank you.

Massive thanks must also go to the moderators and the men who've hosted the site for us.

To everyone else: it's been a blast. Thank you for your friendship. I hope I encounter you all elsewhere, whether that be on the new ShadowMusic Community Facebook group or elsewhere. If you'd like to get in touch feel free to email: justin_daish(AT)hotmail.com

From some point today life won't quite be the same again...

I totally recognise your experiences Justin. For me it started back in 2000 with the forum, but in 1987 with the music. It has been a part of my life ever since. As an amateur bass guitarist, I learned my first baselines from all the examples from Jet, Licorice, John, Alan, Mark. In recent years from those of John Entwistle, John Paul Jones, John Deacon, John Illsley, Donald 'Duck' Dunn, etc.
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Re: A Life Story - a final thank you to David Martin...

Postby dave robinson » 09 May 2024, 13:59

Amen to all of the above. David's original Shadow Music site on the old MSN platform transformed my life and helped open many doors, even indirectly assisting me to eventually appear on stage with some of my heroes, notably including Brian Bennett.
For that experience I am eternally grateful and the memory of those shows will live with me forever, so thank you David Martin for your hard work in putting together The Shadow Music Community and I feel very honoured to have been chosen to moderate here for over twenty years. I will always remember the support and visits from David during my horrendous encounter with throat cancer, when I was in a terrible state due to the chemotherapy and radium onslaught to my body, he came over a few times, bring me books and toys (LapSteel Guitar) to play with that helped pass the time as I steadily regained strength. I don't forget stuff like that. Thank you David.
I hope my journey and reviews on various pieces of gear helped folks along the way and I am around on Facebook should anyone need to ask a question. :)
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Re: A Life Story - a final thank you to David Martin...

Postby Teflon » 09 May 2024, 14:14

David, will you be joining in the fun over on the new Facebook version of this wonderful site? Your contributions are always both interesting and relevant and you would be sadly missed if you weren't there.


Yes! I'll be there!
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Re: A Life Story - a final thank you to David Martin...

Postby RogerCook » 09 May 2024, 16:31

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Re: A Life Story - a final thank you to David Martin...

Postby Garystrat » 09 May 2024, 16:35

I would also like to add my thanks to David and all those who have contributed so much to Shadowmusic. The interest, support and friendship of fellow members reflects what the site has brought to so many, it has been at the very heart of The Shadows community over many years, congratulations on a job well done!

I’m afraid FB is not for me either, so I wish everyone well and hope you enjoy the new format that Jim has provided for you!

Best regards

Last edited by Garystrat on 09 May 2024, 22:58, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: A Life Story - a final thank you to David Martin...

Postby martcaster » 09 May 2024, 17:34

Can't add much more to the above encomia. It's been a true pleasure meeting up with so many 'Shaddicts' online and, subsequently, in the flesh (occasionally playing along with them). Not forgetting, of course, those unforgettable years playing alongside David M, Terry, Tony and Chris. My heartfelt thanks to all moderators, past and present; and the man himself.....BOB!! All best wishes to Jim and co. for the continuation of this tremendous community's interaction. Looking forward to meeting up again via FB.
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Re: A Life Story - a final thank you to David Martin...

Postby Teflon » 10 May 2024, 00:00

Well it's nearly midnight on 9th May, and I've just got in from playing some Shads tunes in wonderful company down at the Thames Valley Guitar Club, with The Surrey Shadows club to look forward to next Friday. I would never have done any of this were it not for discovering this site, so a heartfelt "thankyou" from me, and hope to see you all over on the new FB group.

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Re: A Life Story - a final thank you to David Martin...

Postby Moderne » 10 May 2024, 06:53

Farewell to everyone and special big thanks to David, Iain and George and, of course, Bob for all their hard work over the years.



PS It's now 10th May....
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