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Guitar paint.

PostPosted: 29 Jan 2011, 09:20
by s4wgb

Re: Guitar paint.

PostPosted: 30 Jan 2011, 18:25
by s4wgb

Re: Guitar paint.

PostPosted: 30 Jan 2011, 18:45
by alanbakewell
I used to sell paint to John Diggins from time to time in the mid eighties. John's premises were only two minutes from where I was in Birmingham. So logically there are one or two JayDee
instruments somewhere about that were painted in Glasurit Pearl Effect Paint.

"Chameleon" was an I.C.I. name for that particular product but all the major automotive paint manufacturers had their own version.

The paint was available as a factory mix only at that time. Technology now dictates that many variations of the theme can be achieved.

In order to maximize the "Pearl" effect the ideal vehicle for such paint was something like a Beetle. The Beetle having many contours and undulations
showing the paint to it's best effect.

In actual fact the worst surface to apply such material to would be a flat surface. Such as er, er, a guitar.

Cheers, Alan.