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Kelly Amplifiers

PostPosted: 16 Aug 2011, 19:51
by geoff1711
We've spoken about Kelly amps on here before, however, today I met up with a distant in-law who has had a a hi-fi store in Holloway for many years, John Kelly took over one of their old premises back in the day, and George (my in-law) says that he often helped to put right amps that wouldn't work, he's told me this previously.

But what's new is that while we were chatting today he said that John Kelly used to make amps for other people as well, he racalls often going in and seeing amps and speaker cabs with a bright orange covering.

Those of you who were around Charing Cross Road back then may recall a small shop which sold orange coloured amps, now what were they called??? oh yes Orange.

Now then you vintage amp heads, any views on that?

If that's the case it looks like that brand had it's origins from Selmer's designs.

And whilst Kelly amps are now fetching more money, they don't command anywhere near what a vintage and original Orange amp does, clearly the value is in the name and the Tolex.


Re: Kelly Amplifiers

PostPosted: 16 Aug 2011, 20:03
by JimN
Hi, Geoff,

Actually, Orange amps were built by a maker up in Huddersfield; Matt Matthias, I think his name was. He later sold the same amps (in more sober cladding) under the brand "Matamp", after the original Orange concern had gone out of business.

I should think that Kelly were involved in the mainly-London brand "Nolan", though...


Re: Kelly Amplifiers

PostPosted: 16 Aug 2011, 22:23
by d jones
Hi Jim

Yes you are correct about Orange being built in Huddersfield by Matt, he also did a range of slave amps, speaker cabs, full range, mid/tops and bass bins and disco consoles etc.

After Matt Passed away the company was bought by Jeff Lewis who ressurrected the Orange amp and also introduced the Green amp along with a new range of slave amps the genesis. As far as i am aware Jeff still runs the company based in Meltham, Huddersfield.


Re: Kelly Amplifiers

PostPosted: 16 Aug 2011, 22:50
by geoff1711
Hi Jim

I'll take your word for it, the only point I'd make is that George (my in-law) and his father before him had been trading (and repairing) in Holloway Road since the war, George knows a lot about hifi etc but nothing about guitars and associate kit - did Nolan cover there amps in Orange?

I think maybe John Kelly built the first ones and as demand grew, as a two man band and his own brand to maintain, he couldn't cope with demand, so the contract went up north, lets not forget that whilst any Kelly you get hold of now is likely to be OK apart from a valve change, they were known then not be over reliable, often down to dry joints.

I can recall in their day Orange was a thriving brand and you'd often see well known faces in the shop.
