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Club Celebrates 2nd Anniversary

PostPosted: 25 Mar 2011, 20:36
by GuitarPhil
The Northern Ireland Shadows Club celebrated it's 2nd Anniversary on Friday 18th March 2011 with a special concert at the Civil Service Pavilions Complex in Belfast. A very smoothly run event, largely thanks to the organizational skills of Club Godfather Des McNeill, saw 12 members each play a set of 3 numbers and the house band played out with Telstar, Time is Tight and Going Home.

The night started on a sad note as we had just heard of the passing earlier that day of Jet Harris so the set list was re-arranged to start with Diamonds, Scarlett O'Hara and the Theme From Something Really Important as a tribute to the iconic bass player and founder member of The Shadows.

The Concert also raised a goodly sum of money towards the charity 'Smile Train' so thanks to everyone who chipped in.

A big thanks to the house band: Hall who drummed without a break, Des and David on bass, Chris on keys and Jim T, George and Eric who took turns on rhythm duties.