Food For Thought

The Shadows, their music, their members and Shadows-related activity by former members of this community

Food For Thought

Postby OLDEREK » 31 Jan 2010, 01:14

Is it best to think that you’re only a fair Singer, Guitarist, Drummer, Bass Player, Keyboard player, ETC….

The reason for this comment is, do some of us think we are better than we really are, which could make us think we don’t need to improve when all the time we do.
Over the years I have listened to loads of sound files and it sounds like a child playing, and yet the praise that person gets he must think he is wonderful, so they will never get any better or fill the need to improve, can that do them any good ?

I know destructive criticism can make you want to sale your gear, but constructive criticism can push you on to levels you thought you could never achieve, personally I like to be told the truth, for me it’s the only way.

There are enough great players on here that could help others to become better, if we could take what they say as a help and not to think they are just being rude.

Also instead of praising somebody because they praised your sound file, we should be honest and tell it as it is.

As for me, I hate to see or hear myself, and I think I am only a fair player and try continually to get better, and yet now and again when I am told that somebody has enjoyed my tunes and my playing, I think are they just being nice……..So how can you judge yourself, or is best not too !!.........

Food for thought ……….. :D

Re: Food For Thought

Postby Bill Bowley » 31 Jan 2010, 01:54

Sounds like a common sense approach to me.............. ;)
Bill Bowley

Re: Food For Thought

Postby Bluesnote » 31 Jan 2010, 08:17

I just found out how bad I am after doing a few videos of myself playing with the recorder I got recently :evil:
I did'nt realise how often I come in before or after the beats of the bar, and how much I fidgeted when playing etc.
But having said that, I did'nt realise some of the good stuff I was doing either, its now made me pay a lot more attention to what I'm doing when playing now and I can see a marked difference in the last few weeks.
I think I've fallen into this state of bad technique with not playing with a live band for neary twenty years.
When you play with a band, they are not long in telling you if you have any timing or other faults in your playing and then you sort them out. Or you "are" out :cry:
You do really need to keep checking yourself every so often, as you say, people dont really give you the proper feedback you need due to not wanting to offend you.
I have to say, I've watched and listened to some players examples on this site and others, and you'd love to say where they should change this or that but not wanting to offend and not really knowing the person, just keep quiet.
I'd rather have the bad reports in order to sort myself out, but not everyone is like that I suppose.
I was in a flamenco guitar site once, and you'd get some guys posting a video of them playing a piece and asking other members to be honest in their opinions. So when some members were honest in the negative response, the guy would blow up and cause such a rammy that the thread would eventually have to be locked.
So I guess its better all round just to keep quiet :|

Re: Food For Thought

Postby Mike Honey » 31 Jan 2010, 08:49

Its a good and valid point and it raises other issues; what defines a good guitarist? On a forum like this you are judged by your peers, other guitarists. Those other guitarists are all shadows fans and if you have got 'the sound', and can play any shads melody 'just like Hank' will you be a better guitarist than the guy who injects a bit of originality into his playing and can improvise over a given set of chords 'til the cows come home? To be a success you've got to have an ego (IMO), so accept all the praise you are given. I gues what Im trying badly to say is that deep down inside YOU know whether you're good or not no matter what anybody else says!

Mike Honey

Re: Food For Thought

Postby Apache1 » 31 Jan 2010, 11:31

Thats a good question Derek I think that evryone hears themselves different to others, you have only to listen to your own recorded voice
and everyone says "Thats not me is it" ? if you play in the bedroom to backing tracks and that is as far as you get and put sound files on this website.
Then I would sugest that you are not hearing yourself in a critical way if you play the best you can you will be pleased with it if you are the only one listening
to it.
If you were to play regularly in front of an audience, and especially one who is paying to come and listen to you your playing will improve tremendously
because of the pressure you are under to get it right. The timing the phraseing will all come together as the other guys in the band are driving the tune.

To put another question to yours Derek "How good do you want to be" I can get on the motorway and drive my car very fast, but I dont want to be Lewis Hamilton.
If its a hobby and you are enjoying it thats great, and you can aspire to be as good a player as someone like Dave Robinson or someone who plays
in front of an audience on a regular basis. And dont forget Hank the man himself we all want to be half as good as him.
Food for thought

Re: Food For Thought

Postby Gary Allen » 31 Jan 2010, 17:36

Hi Derek..An interesting topic indeed...I ve been on the sites for about 3-4 years and I very rarely hear anything Id actually want to buy (except bts).I think the main reasons are :All shads albums are pro recordings.I know theres great software available but its just not the same...For most of us..nothing else will do unless it is Hank/Shads...Constructive Criticism always ends in tears and to be fair most threads are either read wrong or they re not treated with the same approach as say a Barstool conversation...A real pity because a lot of members who have posted great soundfiles in the past wont bother anymore and they tend not to comment on other soundfiles....I personally try to listen to everyone elses soundfiles and I always appreciate the effort they make but I would be reserved about making a comment..for the above reasons and the fact they did nt bother to comment on any of mine....(Just trying to be honest)........Gary
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Re: Food For Thought

Postby asimmd » 31 Jan 2010, 18:13

Hi Derek

Me thinks you are playing devils advocate again with a question like this.

As has already been said,you can't please everyone and if you tell the truth,it usually offends.

But if you don't want to hear comments,you shouldn't post in the first place.

Also,it's no good posting and asking for comments if the comments criticise the song,but
don't go on to offer advice about what to do about it.

It's true that us amateur recordists can't ever hope to come near to studio quality,but trying is fun
and sometimes just being able to listen to a recording shows us where we have gone wrong.


Re: Food For Thought

Postby Gary Allen » 31 Jan 2010, 18:18

Hi Alan...I quite agree...Its all about the journey and not the destination....gary
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Re: Food For Thought

Postby dave robinson » 31 Jan 2010, 18:37

I firmly believe that it is not a good thing to believe that you are better than you really are, in fact quite the opposite is true. There are always going to be folks who can play better than yourself and I always found that practice, practice and more practice is the only way to raise your own standards. That said, one needs a certain level of confidence when performing for a living, which can sometimes misunderstood as being ' big headed' or arrogant to some, but we have to live with that. Without the confidence there will be no performance , which is evident all the time at Shadows clubs. The annoying thing for me is, that the same players attempt to play the same tunes month in, month out and never improve or rectify the same mistakes, which to me shows lack of commitment.

I have had my moments on these sites when trying to be honest and constructive to folks and indeed, some have been critical of my comments that were intended to help improve someones efforts. In some cases my comments and help have been of value, but the negatives outweigh the positives and I don't bother so much any more, as I can live without the hassle.

Regarding the posting and replying to sound files. Phrasing, timing, touch and feel in the playing, as well as putting the time in to actually 'listen' to the melody before recording a tune and asking for opinions, should be considered and I will always be honest if I think that the person will take constructive criticism. I too have been guilty of not listening to tunes in the past and have benefited from doing so - it's good advice. Remember, you NEVER stop learning. :)
Dave Robinson
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Re: Food For Thought

Postby RUSSET » 01 Feb 2010, 09:14

I can relate to what Dave says about 'confidence'. We all want to get up there & show off our talent. It goes with the hobby, so to speak. There not really much point to it if you can't perform it for the benefit of others. Being insulated in a bedroom playing for yourself only is rather lonely existence, & you don't learn a lot, compared to interacting 'Live' with others. Even if you don't actually do any actual 'Gigs', join other people in your area with a like minded interest & you will be surprised how much you will learn. I myself, play occassionally with a 'Live' band & do gigs, with my brother & some friends. Confidence comes with practise & repeated performances. I mainly play Rhythm guitar in the band, but make the occassional foray in the Lead guitar role, & my confidence is growing more as time goes by. I really haven't got the talent to confidently take on a full 'Lead Guitarist' role, but I am getting better, slowly. The fear does diminish bit by bit, & you must practise continually so that the damned tune drives you so mad that you never want to hear it again. That's when you are finally getting it.



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