The Lucky British Pensioner

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The Lucky British Pensioner

Postby jimuc » 29 Nov 2011, 21:33

BRITISH OLD AGED PENSIONER (bearing in mind they worked hard and paid their Income Tax and National Insurance contributions to the British government all their working life) Weekly allowance: £106.00
IMMIGRANTS/REFUGEES LIVING IN BRITAIN (No Income Tax and National Insurance contribution whatsoever) Weekly allowance: £250.00

BRITISH OLD AGED PENSIONER Weekly Spouse allowance: £25.00

BRITISH OLD AGED PENSIONER Additional weekly hardship allowance £0.00
ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS/REFUGEES LIVING IN BRITAIN Additional weekly hardship allowance £100.00
A British old age pensioner is no less hard up than an illegal immigrant/refugee yet receives nothing


After all, the average pensioner has paid taxes and contributed to the growth of this country for the last 40 to 60 years.

Sad isn't it? Its about time we put our own people first.

Re: The Lucky British Pensioner

Postby keithmantle » 30 Nov 2011, 17:25

Don't hold your breath or look for flying pigs!!!!, wish i was young/fit I'd emigrate this 'Wonderful Land' of ours is sadly no longer

Re: The Lucky British Pensioner

Postby dave robinson » 30 Nov 2011, 20:14

It's a joke isn't it?
Does anybody know who this needs to be forwarded to in order to do something about it? I tire of reading this sort of thing and feel powerless to do something to try and change the way it is. Problem is, it won't be too long until I'm one of those OAPs. :?
Dave Robinson
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Re: The Lucky British Pensioner

Postby jimuc » 30 Nov 2011, 21:41

dave robinson wrote:It's a joke isn't it?
Does anybody know who this needs to be forwarded to in order to do something about it? I tire of reading this sort of thing and feel powerless to do something to try and change the way it is. Problem is, it won't be too long until I'm one of those OAPs. :?

Yes Dave I already am one of these OAPs and it makes my blood boil but as you say we are powerless to do anything about it.

Re: The Lucky British Pensioner

Postby d jones » 30 Nov 2011, 22:43

Whilst on the subject of boiling blood!

Remember when librarians, teachers, teaching assistants, council workers, lecturers, police, ambulance staff, nurses, midwives, doctors and fire fighters crashed the stock market, almost toppled the banks, took billions in bail outs from the government, paid themselves enormous bonuses, and avoided tax? No, me neither.
What sort of country is this where the innocent ones are now the guilty ones and the guilty ones do as they please.
Don's tin helmet and brandishes string sword!

PS why is'nt the private sector pension system being investigated, when after all thousands of hard working people have been ripped off under the guise of Terms and Conditions can be altered without consent!
d jones

Re: The Lucky British Pensioner

Postby RayL » 01 Dec 2011, 08:58

Who to vote for? That's the problem.

Not the extremists from right or left - but not the major parties either, since all have shown themselves to be sadly lacking in sensible policies and competant people.

A really useful change would be to have 'None of the above' added as an option to general election ballot papers. In any constituancy where 'None of the above' got more votes than any of the candidates, the election would be declared null and void. A new election, with candidates who would have to be different from the previous set, would then be called. This process, akin to natural selection by survival of the fittest, should ensure a more representative Parliament.

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Re: The Lucky British Pensioner

Postby Alan Prudhoe » 01 Dec 2011, 09:50

Wouldn't it be ironic if the present economic problems were partly as a result of decades of pro and semi-pro musicians failing to declare their "cash pick-up" jobs as earned income? :oops: :oops:
Alan Prudhoe

Re: The Lucky British Pensioner

Postby Didier » 01 Dec 2011, 09:53

dave robinson wrote:It's a joke isn't it?

It seems that it's a hoax, look here : ... test.shtml

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Re: The Lucky British Pensioner

Postby alewis41 » 01 Dec 2011, 10:21

Of course it's a hoax. But people cling on to anything that reinforces their prejudices.
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Re: The Lucky British Pensioner

Postby Twang46 » 01 Dec 2011, 15:28

The sad fact is that yes, it is a hoax but the only thing wrong is the numbers.....

The average immigrant/illegal etc....has a family who in time are also allowed in to this country to claim benefits

The average pensioner has a fixed income that erodes over time

Its a strange feeling being a minority in my own country



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